bc/be PEDIATRIC SURGEON Ft. Myers, Florida nhr
Based in Ft. Myers, Florida which is located in SW Florida. Current patient volume is divided by three providers. The group performs over 1200 cases a year with a mix of neonatal, oncology and bread-and- butter pediatric surgery procedures. Golisano Children’s Hospital is the only comprehensive children’s facility between Tampa Bay and Miami. It has a busy Oncology program that participates in COG. It is also home to the only Level III nursery in the region. Children’s Hospital serves a large 5-county area, but the group only operates at one hospital, the main campus.
Based in Ft. Myers, Florida which is located in SW Florida. Current patient volume is divided by three providers. The group performs over 1200 cases a year with a mix of neonatal, oncology and bread-and- butter pediatric surgery procedures. Golisano Children’s Hospital is the only comprehensive children’s facility between Tampa Bay and Miami. It has a busy Oncology program that participates in COG. It is also home to the only Level III nursery in the region. Children’s Hospital serves a large 5-county area, but the group only operates at one hospital, the main campus.