18 - 35 yrs old
At least High School graduate or College level
With knowledge in troubleshooting heavy equipment or automobile
With driver's license restriction code 1 & 2
apply personally with complete requirements:
resume, brgy clearance, police clearance, nbi clearance, dimploma, birth certificate, sss, tin, 3pcs 1x1 & 2x2 pics
or send your resume to personnel02@hrd-s.com
Kindly check your e-mail add regularly
At least High School graduate or College level
With knowledge in troubleshooting heavy equipment or automobile
With driver's license restriction code 1 & 2
apply personally with complete requirements:
resume, brgy clearance, police clearance, nbi clearance, dimploma, birth certificate, sss, tin, 3pcs 1x1 & 2x2 pics
or send your resume to personnel02@hrd-s.com
Kindly check your e-mail add regularly