18-35 yrs old
At least High School graduate
Physically fit
With knowledge on basic carpentry and construction works
willing to do field or production works
willing to relocate in Cavite
apply personally with complete requirements:
resume, brgy clearance, police clearance, nbi clearance, dimploma, birth certificate, sss, tin, philhealth and 3pcs 1x1 & 2x2 pics (white background)
or send your resume to personnel02@hrd-s.com
kindly check your email add 2 days after you send your resume.
At least High School graduate
Physically fit
With knowledge on basic carpentry and construction works
willing to do field or production works
willing to relocate in Cavite
apply personally with complete requirements:
resume, brgy clearance, police clearance, nbi clearance, dimploma, birth certificate, sss, tin, philhealth and 3pcs 1x1 & 2x2 pics (white background)
or send your resume to personnel02@hrd-s.com
kindly check your email add 2 days after you send your resume.